Blackout Cake, Blue Nips, Courtside Kush and a few others.


Everyone of the seeds popped except the stardawg those seeds were really really old. I put them all in Coco plugs.

I am fucking pissed, out of all of the seeds I planted. I broke one of the Courtsude Kush tap roots, it's probably going to die but I wanted to give it a fighting chance and pray for a miracle.
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Finding good trays is a bitch. Damn they are getting pricey too. I am going to check those trays out. All I can find lately are flimsy thin ones.
Yea I hear you. Those flimsy trays are bad news especially for clumsy stoned ppl like me. Yea the Floraflex trays are high quality but I don’t think the inserts are standard size, so I would need to buy all the pieces from them.😒
I couldn't find them, I did find some that look a lot tougher. I water everything in them then dump the excess water. I hate it when the trays twist and turn on the way to the drain. I have made some big messes. Had some great saves too 😁