Cannalope Haze


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DNA Genetics' Cannalope Haze Description​

Logo DNA Genetics SeedsDNA Genetics Seeds Cannalope HazeGenetics: Haze Brothers x Mexican Sativa
Variety: 100% Sativa
Harvest Date: October
Flowering Period: 9 weeks
No. of Seeds Per Packet: 13
Characteristics: Fast Flowering sativa

This perfect strain is the work of selection and a little luck. We found an 8 week wonder that lives up to all the controversy. Amazing you may ask an 8 week sativa, but we say grow these out and find out for yourself the magic in this strain. The bubble hash from the Cannalope is above average and the yield is good. The Cannalope can be mastered by experts and is a good teacher for beginners. The taste is like melon with a hint of Haze.
The above strain is what is being grown out. I saved everyone the veg stage. I have posted a few before. Plants are plants for the most part, veg is boring. I am bringing you guys in 1 week after the lights were dropped back. Funny how they say it is a 8 week plant and 9 week flower time 🤣. Flower time is not even a concertation with this strain to me. I am growing for the high. These are S-1 seeds I am growing now. When I grew it before it was a regular strain. If they only chose it for the flower time then it may not even be what I am looking for. What plant they chose for S-1 seeds really matters. It may not have been the plant I would have chose. I know the flavor is different than what I was looking for. I don't remember fruit.

This is a pheno search for a plant to make hybrids with. No reason to make S-1 seeds if DNA is still selling them. I want to find a Cannalope plant so I can make my name sake strain Jackalope. I decided to keep it old school and use Grimm Brothers Durban Jack cut I have. That plant is the best growing and tasting Jack Herer/Super Silver Haze plant I have ever tried. I have smoked original Jack Herer from Amsterdam and Rick at Grimm gifted me a jar or his Jack Herer used for Cinderella. There is something special about the high. Jack Herer is the weed I smoked when I realized what the whole minds eye thing was. After 2 joints it was like I was looking throw a periscope. Durban Jack has all the traits of the reversed Jack Herer. It just doesn't grow like Jack Herer. It grows it to a perfect bush. Short enough for indoor/tent use. The original Jack Herer was a very tall plant.

Most the Cannalope Haze plants I have are short pheno's that would also be perfect for indoor/tent use. The high from Cannalope Haze is another high that I really loved. High and strain I liked everything about the first grow. The flavor was a major part of it. Great plants are those ones where the flavor lingers and becomes part of the over all high. The type of weed where the high hits you fast then as you blow out the hit, the flavor takes over letting you savor the hit longer. That is what we are searching for here. I will tell you now and through this grow. If I don't like what I find, I won't be making anything. Not every pheno hunt comes up with a winner. At least at the size of my search's anyway. Follow along for the next few weeks and you see it first hand.
Here is the Cannalope grow. They are 3 month or so old now. Right now they are around a week into flower. All the plants in here were super cropped really early. Maybe too early. As you can see, the center buds are a bit shorter than the side branches. Everything is bushing well. 8 plants are in this 3' x 5' tent. They are in 2 gallon pots. 6 Cannalope Haze plants and 2 Inmate #3 by @JLBIRD . If we can get him to stop by we can get the exact parentage of them. I think it is Gary Payton x Trinity. For now we will concentrate on Cannalope Haze. Here is a picture of the grow today.
The next 2 plants are the most prevalent phenotype. Short bushy and thin sativa like leaves. I am posting the 2 best looking plants. I will show the other 2 plants later. The other 2 plants just aren't as bushy or look as good as these 2 plants. First plant is pretty full. I might have to cut some of this back for light penetration.
Next is the real wide plant. I like it because it is so much more open. It does take up a lot of square feet though.
I knew ahead of time the plant I was looking for had fatter leaves. I always figured it was from the Mexican side, now I am not so sure. All these plants are short. The Cannalope Haze plant I loved was a tall plant. It grew up right next too, and was the same size a G-13 Haze. That is where these next 2 plants come into play. They have the fatter leaf I was looking for. First up is a mix of the bushy plants I showed earlier and the fat leaf plant that will be posted last.
This last plant seems to be the most Haze like. It is 10" taller than the other pheno's. You can see it in the back right of the tent picture. It resembles the plant I remembered. Maybe I am looking for something on the Haze side. Growth type doesn't matter to me. This pheno hunt is only for high. I want that great nighttime high I found before. Laid back with your mind still clear enough to stay awake. Here is one of the early favorites.
Here is the Cannalope grow. They are 3 month or so old now. Right now they are around a week into flower. All the plants in here were super cropped really early. Maybe too early. As you can see, the center buds are a bit shorter than the side branches. Everything is bushing well. 8 plants are in this 3' x 5' tent. They are in 2 gallon pots. 6 Cannalope Haze plants and 2 Inmate #3 by @JLBIRD . If we can get him to stop by we can get the exact parentage of them. I think it is Gary Payton x Trinity. For now we will concentrate on Cannalope Haze. Here is a picture of the grow today.
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The next 2 plants are the most prevalent phenotype. Short bushy and thin sativa like leaves. I am posting the 2 best looking plants. I will show the other 2 plants later. The other 2 plants just aren't as bushy or look as good as these 2 plants. First plant is pretty full. I might have to cut some of this back for light penetration.
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Next is the real wide plant. I like it because it is so much more open. It does take up a lot of square feet though.
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I knew ahead of time the plant I was looking for had fatter leaves. I always figured it was from the Mexican side, now I am not so sure. All these plants are short. The Cannalope Haze plant I loved was a tall plant. It grew up right next too, and was the same size a G-13 Haze. That is where these next 2 plants come into play. They have the fatter leaf I was looking for. First up is a mix of the bushy plants I showed earlier and the fat leaf plant that will be posted last.
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This last plant seems to be the most Haze like. It is 10" taller than the other pheno's. You can see it in the back right of the tent picture. It resembles the plant I remembered. Maybe I am looking for something on the Haze side. Growth type doesn't matter to me. This pheno hunt is only for high. I want that great nighttime high I found before. Laid back with your mind still clear enough to stay awake. Here is one of the early favorites.
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Inmate #3 is Gary Payton x Ice Cream Runtz my hunted pheno
JLBIRD and I had a conversation about Cannalope Haze. His favorite plant was like my favorite. Tall with a wider leaf. I am pretty sure they lost a lot of tall pheno's when they feminized Cannalope. The dominate pheno is the short bushy sativa. I have always thought, what I wanted was from the Mexican side. Lots of smash weed had a similar high. It seems what I am looking for comes from the Haze side. With only 1 phenotype of it. My chances a finding a winner went way down. It could be worse, I could have got all short thin leafed plants.
I've been on the hunt for a good cannalope leaner. I got a collectors tin from DNA on their new Chocolope release, and found a really nice cannalope leaner in the Chocolope X Lemon Cherry Cookies that had that LCG structure, loud as shit cannalope terps during early and late flower, but really didn't translate after the cure. Great smoke, but I myself am really looking for that fruity leaner. Gonna be exploring some packs by Cannabis by Corey, the female of Chocolope he hunted on the first release is what DNA and Crockett use in their current breeding programs apparently. He has a whole line using his cannalope haze male stud though. Sherbalope and The Lope are where I'm continuing my hunt.

If the old pheno you were hunting didn't have fruit to it, what did it have?
I've been on the hunt for a good cannalope leaner. I got a collectors tin from DNA on their new Chocolope release, and found a really nice cannalope leaner in the Chocolope X Lemon Cherry Cookies that had that LCG structure, loud as shit cannalope terps during early and late flower, but really didn't translate after the cure. Great smoke, but I myself am really looking for that fruity leaner. Gonna be exploring some packs by Cannabis by Corey, the female of Chocolope he hunted on the first release is what DNA and Crockett use in their current breeding programs apparently. He has a whole line using his cannalope haze male stud though. Sherbalope and The Lope are where I'm continuing my hunt.

If the old pheno you were hunting didn't have fruit to it, what did it have?
First off, I have some of The Lope going too. I will be able to let you know how they flower soon. They do all look like the short bushy Cannalope Haze plants. If anything they have a more open structure. I was going to use a The Lope male to make Cannalope Haze Bx seeds. I figured I would leave Cannalope for Corey to work with. I will make a few S-1's for me. Mostly I will be making Cannalope Haze hybrids. This whole project is so I can make 1 hybrid. Before I die, I want a Jackalope strain out there. If I find a keeper Cannalope I will be crossing it to Duran Thai x Jack Herer clone I have for Jackalope.

Haze is the smell and flavor profile I found. At least I think it came from the Haze side. I found mine before with a tall phenotype. It isn't the normal Haze profile I have found before. I have grown out Super Silver Haze, Super Silver, and Jack Herer hybrids. They all have a similar smell/flavor. The Haze I got from Cannalope Haze was more of a musty incense smell/flavor.
Cannalope update. I had to move Inmate #3 to the big tent to give Cannalope Haze more room to be itself. Some still don't seem to have enough room LOL.
2 weeks into flower and things seem to be stretching the same amount. The tall pheno is still about 10" taller than the rest.
The mix pheno is doing great. I am going to have to cut these bushes back a little so I don't end up with a bunch of little buds. This is just a testing run anyway.
I gave all the Cannalope Haze girls a trim job. There were a couple plants that really needed it. I took, before and after pictures of 2 of the widest plants. It is amazing how many lower branches and branches off branches that made it to the canopy.

First up is plant #1. I numbered them randomly, at this point numbers are just for identification. This is the extremely bushy pheno. I am showing pictures from the top and the side. I want everyone to see the height differences between the branches. I almost left all the branches on this plant. The branches all had the top showing and were only a couple inches shorter than the tallest branch.
It was hard to decide which branches to take and which ones to leave. I left the branches that were attached to the main stalk. I figured they would get more energy because of the larger branches. I saw it as a bigger hose to carry everything. Here she is all done. You can kind a see floor here and there now.

Plant #5 is one of my favorites. I have 2 extremely bush plants on my favorite list. This is the thin leaf pheno.
As you can see from the side view. Pheno #5 has more variation in the branch lengths. 1 branch seems to be dominate and is 4 inches taller than the rest. We will see how thing work out during flower. It opened up nicely.
I don’t think there is Mexican in it.
I think I mentioned it before , but as a weed history nerd I will repeat what I know or think I know lol..
From People with more knowledge than me anyways
Long ago in a galaxy far far away in the past online DNA released a strain and Dutchgrown and gypsy and a few others said ,hey how can this be a new strain when we gave you some c-99 and some other seeds and you come out with a new strain..
And many people agreed and said hey this tastes like a c-99 and because they never admitted it or acknowledged the original genetic make up they got banned from the international space station.
True story. As we all see it unfold online years ago lol..
I agree that it is something DNA would do. Cannalope Haze grows a lot like C-99, they are both short and bushy. I will have to see what the terpene profile these Cannalope Haze females have. The one I had before smelled nothing like C-99, it leaned to the haze side.

There are a couple ways to dispute the story you saw on line. First and foremost, is the high from C-99 and Cannalope Haze are totally different. I mean a lot different. Any cross I have found from Grimm with C-99 in it. Tended to have similar highs and flavor profiles as C-99. Because it has been backcrosses so many times, C-99 genetics are pretty dominate.

I have also grown out Grimms, Cinderella Haze. It is Haze x C-99 and totally different than Cannalope Haze. Just because someone sent DNA C-99 doesn't mean those were the only seeds they had.

Super Silver haze was also out around the same time I do believe. I am surprised no one mentioned it as a parent. There are stories about whether or not SSH and Jack Herer are the same strain. I have grown them both and the terpene profile is the same. I have grow 4 or 5 strains/hybrids that all taste exactly the same. Flavor can not be used as a indicator of old school genetics There are always rumors and bullshit out there.

The high says it all for me. A good Cannalope Haze is great nighttime weed. I have never found a early C-99 hybrid with a high that was similar. Even crossed to G-13 it never had a indica type high.

What is really funny. No one has a story like that with G-13. No one has ever disputed the Government plant story. You would think by now there would be a old hippie out there saying he bred that shit!
Updated Cannalope Haze pictures 2 weeks into flower.
Internode spacing is starting to show now. Some plants are stretching more than others. You can see that from the next 2 pictures. First plant is a bushy one with shorter internodes.
As expected, the tall plant stretched more.
The last plant has to be one of the coolest. This thing has lots of tops in the canopy.
It has been a tough year for me and Cap. Between one thing or another, I have yet to get a free clone for the DL. I have to admit Cap has been very helpful through the whole deal. Juicy J is supposed to be on it's way. I hear there is something extra in there too. Hopefully everything works right from here on out. I plan to stay on the DL for now. I mention this because they will add too my already growing clone collection. These clones came from a few different sources, I was not planning to collect them LOL. I hope to flower a few of them soon so they can be smoke tested. I made a list yesterday that I think is pretty accurate.

Banana Og
Black Haze
Black Ice
Og Kush
Durban Poison
Durban Jack
Hazey, NL 5 x Haze F-2
G.G. #4
Cap Junky
Chem 91
Aloha White Widow
Sunset Cap
Suicide Blonde
Gelato 41

Lots of old school clones this time Gelato, Cap Junky, and Sunset Cap, G.G. #4 and GMO are the only modern genetics. This isn't even counting all the Cannalope Haze clones. A lot of these are just waiting to be bred with reversed Cannalope pollen. I will have to decide later what I want to keep. Could be a epic seed project if things work out. I just need to find a keeper Cannalope.

I may not get to include everything in this project. What strains do you guys see as must make hybrids?
Cannalope Haze is around 3 weeks in flower now. Buds are starting to take shape now. The plant on the far left isn't very happy. Hard to keep everything happy all at once.
Plant #5 sits in the front on the right. It has been one of my favorite plants so far. It is still a great looking plant. It just doesn't seem to carry a lot of frost yet First and second picture were from 2 sides. My phone changed the color LOL.
A new contender showed up recently. Plant #4 a short plant I wasn't paying any attention too at the beginning. Has started to change that. It stretched more like the tall plant and it is budding similarly. Both #4 and #6 are showing frost. Plant #6 is first #4 second.
I figure this is the best place to show The Lope, (Chocolope x Cannalope Haze) they were started at the smae time. I had to split the grow up because of space and size. The 4 shortest plants were moved to a 2' x 4' x 60" tent. Here are pictures of that grow.

The Lope and Suicide Blonde grow has hit 4 weeks. I hit them with flower nutrients a little early. We will see how they like it. I did it expecting to hit Cannalope Haze @ 4 weeks because it is supposed to be a 8 week strain. We will see how they do with it. Here is the tent yesterday before feeding. I will get a new picture in a day or so to show if there is any leaf decolorization.
I only have 1 picture of The Lope, I am mostly tracking Suicide Blonde this grow.

Here is Suicide Blonde at 4 weeks. Still a beautiful plant. It is amazing how well it bushed out. Branches are strong and spread enough that everything is getting good light.
Suicide is doing a bit better with trichome production than The Lope. No cheese yet. It has a sweet smell close up. As you back up there is a time when it smells like ass LOL. Sweet, Ass, not a terpene profile I want to advertise LMAO
Learning a new camera. I finally got things working the way I need them too. I have a couple practice pictures to post. First up is a plant pic of the biggest bushy plant #5. It has been a favorite for a while. Now that they are budding things have changed some. Still it is a great looking plant.

Next up is a close up of one of my new favorite plants. Plant #4 is the frostiest plant in the grow.
Sorry about the cat hair!
Cannalope Haze updates. Most plants are doing well. 1 pheno looks terribly under fed. I got behind it early on and have not caught up to it. I figured if I chose the wrong fix it would get worse. I am going to just keep feeding it the same as others. Pretty sure most of it had to do with flower nutrients. It doesn't seem to be getting to much worse. You can see it on the left side of the tent.
Almost too week 5 now. Old school strains are hard to judge. Frost levels may not be impressive, even on the best phenotypes. My 2 favorite plants do carry the most frost now though. They will all get smoke tested at the end to see if there are any winners. Both of these pheno's had more stretch and tend to lean more to the Haze side than the Mexican sativa side.

Plant #4 first.
#4 is the shorter of the 2. Not sure if it just got a late start or if it will always be shorter. I will find out on the second grow.

#6 has been a favorite all along. I need it to smoke like the pant I remembered not just look like it.
All plants are going to get grown twice and smoke tested before any breeding projects. Don't pay any attention to the perlite on the leaves. These plants just had a rain day the day before. I get dirt and perlite everywhere from turning plants when I spray them.

The most depressing thing about this grow. I found 2 more packs of Cannalope Haze seeds when I did a deep search through my genetics. I knew I had 1 more somewhere. 2 surprised me. This could have been a much better pheno hunt.
The second run of Cannalope Haze plants are ready or will be ready to replace the plants in side A of the big tent. I have a couple a plants I defiantly want a second look at.