Chocolate Trip

is this the same cut of c trip that is in gorilla glue have to ask lol, that i honestly have been trying to find as it has the "magic" of it i belive as the rest are just chem and diesel hybrids dank as all hell but all just chem based except the chocolate trip in it i do remember reading one thing about the grower of gg going on about how much they prized their specific trip cut , and so the "psychadellic effects" have me interested my fav part of gorilla glue was how insane and trippy it is , and isolated thats a winner in my book! you have so many legendary strains , i really am more and more impressed haha

TheCanNabisCat said:
is this the same cut of c trip that is in gorilla glue have to ask lol, that i honestly have been trying to find as it has the "magic" of it i belive as the rest are just chem and diesel hybrids dank as all hell but all just chem based except the chocolate trip in it i do remember reading one thing about the grower of gg going on about how much they prized their specific trip cut , and so the "psychadellic effects" have me interested my fav part of gorilla glue was how insane and trippy it is , and isolated thats a winner in my book! you have so many legendary strains , i really am more and more impressed haha

Ctrip is absolutely great. one of my favorites for sure ... i did not make f3's (yet), but it's definetly on my to do list.
sadly i lost the katsu chocolate trip-cut i had... i 'will have to go' from seed with this one (which is kinda not bad, ey
= new/more expressions to enjoy). i still have some of bodhi's f2-version in the beanstash, plus some combos to the
chocolate thai and chocolate diesel for some extra fun.

maybe combining those bodhi f2 to your ctrip f2 -> for a special f3?
would you be up for that, my friend? ... i would be in a heartbeat (!)
katsu said:
TheCanNabisCat said:
is this the same cut of c trip that is in gorilla glue have to ask lol, that i honestly have been trying to find as it has the "magic" of it i belive as the rest are just chem and diesel hybrids dank as all hell but all just chem based except the chocolate trip in it i do remember reading one thing about the grower of gg going on about how much they prized their specific trip cut , and so the "psychadellic effects" have me interested my fav part of gorilla glue was how insane and trippy it is , and isolated thats a winner in my book! you have so many legendary strains , i really am more and more impressed haha
