-revegging has possibly additional uses in very niche situations like what i am attempting rn - if sucessful can restore Vigour and stability beyond even what the plant origionally had - it IS hit or miss , but sr-71/ultraviolet is on re-veg #2. - and vegging a bit, after another week or two can post here if i was successful and how much so - using revegging to take clippings and change up a pheno- as well as testing the limits of what it can do , i believe

germinating seeds to advanced breeds - every viable "tech" when used CORRECT - can allow for very good results in an otherwise "wash" situation -

as you can uh imagine i explore the MOST UNCONVENTIONAL aspects of cannabis - ie is this "xxxxxxx" "fact" - TRUE OR BS in real world settings -

ofc it can go bad// but when it goes GOOD - , have used revegging to make for "supercropped" cuttings notice EXTREME resiliance vigour -

may have created the first pheno auto flower (at 14 hours - will make a WHOLE new thing if i did that lmfao, but yeah the cuttings would start to flower at <15-16 hours of light - interesting - revegging how it affects the PLANT genetics is the main point of this,

so far the cuttings have LESS efficiency in survival vs "veg" - but MUCH BETTER growth ie site to leaf ratio is insanely good now -

other strains i have tried to revegg - they would just die out and or die a few weeks later , only the sr-71/ultraviolet so far has been viable for reveg- and it has seemed to have only positive results (or at least does not weaken genetic yeild/stability any more-less than regular , but much faster and larger biomasss - much bigger stems ESP with high far-red to red ratio -
Fr+IR with revegg - have best sucess under custom gassed 3000k (.2+ 700-800nm) 315w ceramic HID
-has ENOUGH uv to keep small clippings and vegging plants healthy as well too (uv burns like with the t-12) - for propogation and keeping mothers revegging is useful af - and uv helps keep plants healthier - tho it WILL INCREASE REBOUND TIME and make it more likely intially to die but then bounce back FASTER- , ie 5-7 days plants are vegging heavy vs 2 weeks for "standard" clippings - and genetic stability is DEAD same to reg clipping but about 2-3x biomass and same potency BUT MUCH MUCH more pronouced tastes- does have effects on flower-
It has been a long time since I have revegged a plant. Not much humidity here. I have to use a opaque plastic bag that lets light through, to cover all the branches and buds I leave. The bag helps keep the humidity up so the plant doesn't dry out. I flip the bag inside out every couple days so too much moisture doesn't adversely effect the plant. I try and leave the bag on until new leaves start to show.
hmmm--- its interesting you say that - never actually thought about it but, duh- they are RE - VEGETATING ie higher rh of veg, - i do find

-leaving on the buds (i try to run at exactly 58-59%rh)- bud will finish and can smoke it but not as good obv lol (still potent) - DO not pull,
as the Majority of new leaf growth will come from bud i have seen -

-re-vegetating a plant that has just begun hermi from stress- , can cause it to STOP. and be able to - reflower without more stress herm (provided the conditons are also fixed ie high temps light stress ect) - this is nice for working with newer cuts , some will throw a few flowers the first run - revegetated and they clone and run themselves fine i am finding

not all plants survive especially the later they are into flower - i find at around 30-35 days is the perfect time to pull usually (7-8 week strains) -
if they survive this process - they begin to explode both in root and biomass- , clippings as well - they can take well over A MONTH - or TWO - to really rebound - but holy fuck - they grow roots that rival DWC - ,

will have pics of the survivors (if any)

i RECCCOMEND for ANY NEW GEAR - why not revegg it and test the strength of its genetics you can easily see how some do much better than others , the ak is not looking too great- they never do , i do NOT blame the gear - it had 100 percent germ and great vigor- this process tends to be random - sometimes the healthiest plant can go down and vice versa a sick plant recovers - it really has to do with a lot of factors

but like say you found a good big ass female - reveg and take cuttings - now you have a decent mother vs having to start from seeds and or clone a bunch of plants pay for testing ect - its a bit out there but it is a TECH

a combination of using re-vegging+cloning not to be confused with monster/supercropping -
the plants that come from this are "DEAD-YARD" - a long and vigorous process i am trying to perfect ie the highest survival rates - have gotten it to where they live sometimes so will post more with better details sometime lol