JLbirds gear “ICR” & “Junky stomper”

Whoop whoop finally got some ICR in veg. Think it was a waffle freebie when I won a good while ago.
Taken it’s time to finally get into the system but better late than never.
Light deprivation is a bit to much of a commitment for me. I have thought a lot about trying it though.
It’s worth it for me. I can grow about 3x each summer of manageable size plants. Plus, if the late harvest fails due to bud rot or something environmental, I’ve stilled harvested enough.
Pulling two rows of tarps, watering, fertilizing, starting and stopping fans only takes me about 15 minutes per day. Then maybe an extra hour per week to scout and monitor, plus occasional defoliation and shaping. 10 hours/month +/- to care for 60-120 plants.
I could certainly automate the fans and watering more, but I like having the human touch as a fail safe. I need to flip a switch or turn a knob, not a sensor or solenoid.
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