Just learning, I'm an old grumpy man, from down under...Maybe I could learn a new trick or two here.


New member
Hi, kia ora, Im on the other side of the pacific. I am an old man, but can sometimes be taught a lesson or two.

I have not started any attempts at breeding yet, but have been collecting some excellent and exciting genetics from our amazing Katsu.

I would love to connect with other old school amazing breeders and genetic treasure chest holders, like katsu, who can send to nz and accept paypal or simmilar.

In the mean time I am continueing to work on my set up, and prepare for isolation, pollen collection, feminization, pollenisation and seed collection, preperation and storage in addition to enviromental and automation measures and tweaks.

Keep growing Joy commrades

Peace, aroha

The Joker down under ;)
Lots of old grumpy men, plus a few that are just grumpy or just old.

Welcome to The Lounge. I sent Genetics to Australia a few years back. From what I hear they are starved for good genetics. A local breeder is just what they need.