sorry pics are hard but to katsu my man i can actually upload 2-3 at least THANK YOU deff will pay off as i open source and want to SHOW some grow : here are missing pics in post :

-best ptsd strain other than pure sr, less sedating at lower doses.

\-increadibly true breeding , very dense thick bud , very potent, tricome profile is very strong - KUSH TASTE rose at first cure then a sour sour sour EARTHEEEAH KUUUUUSH taste i cannot even describe followed by the dead on coffee/chocolate/diesel aftertaste

has substituted for 2mg of clonazepam and counting, -other meds for seizures im not that insane rn as well but as far as anxiety from ptsd compared to ANY pharm "anything you can do i can do better, and instantly with one hit , and last hours - thicker the trics the longer the shit kicks , i missed that FOUR HOUR HIGH i thought it was tolerance or maybe im a shitty grower, FULL METAL HALIDE WITH UV, holy shit, THICK STICK, SLOW BURN, INSANE DURATION LENGTHS, ever since trichs have gone up , so has my drive to bang cermaic halide, i mean its only designed from the start fucking ground up for HORTICULTURE, yes leds are too, but then WHY NO FAR REEEEEEEEEDS, so much fuckin blue, i mean yeah it grows plenty of gas and probably yeilds more and has more thc, but i can burn BAGS of led bud and need like a qp jar like fucking cookie monster- fuck that , one hitttter quiiiiiter , like pre 2012 shit , all of it banged could not go wrong buying bags was great even brick mexican at 2usd a gram banged - yeah it was dirty but i was and fuck still am poor, lol and when i say brick i mean in a not litteral sense no i smoked actual brick "SHWAG" and i think my lungs are STILL fucked up if you burn ozs of that you may die deff glad its not around - so what is fucking 10$/G shows up oh BET right? but like it bangs lesss. and less suddently bags are fire every few times, then like "ONCE in awhile, ALWAYS with a heavy premium and inside connections , im no stranger to moving a bag just like don't anymore obv for mine and my cats safety , like i always buy ozs anyway regardless or BOUGHT, havent seen street in ahwile i do try to test what i can off the radar, but fuck if its terrible compared to any "full metal halide" bud - hmmm when did leds first start banging , eh 2013? saw a dudes blurple grow and all i could think of is what the fuck, it was so unholy compared to like HID, and i am so sick of them calling LED HID ITS NOT , sorry does it have a fucking ballst.... no an AC-DC-PWM - RFI EMMITING *do the am radio test if you are so confident bought shit myself when i tested a bunch of diff panels *i ran tests on samsung led 301b diodes oh if i ever get a "GOOD" led i will debunk this for all is the cannabiscat CRAZY- yes - but about THIS? lol its not a conspiracy that cannabis IS NOT THAT LOUD ANYMORE WTF - or loud doesn't mean what it USED to mean, that SINGLE gram for 20$ well it was an EXPERIENCE and i NEVER felt ripped of honestly , 60 got a1/8th +1g cause my dude was real, first strain i ever bought was named ... purple kush.... the sr-71 at THAT, universe is REAL and also alive lmao, like i want to get to the bottom of WHAT happened to weed post 2012, loud died in 2020..........2018 was insane premiums but around -sometimes- autoflowers DID NOT HELP , i can TASTE THAT SHIT. get that russian ass autoflowering shit out of my goddamn genetics , if i want NO YEILD and a tiny ass little plant i can run 12/12 from cutting and or seed THANK YOU. lol for real, YOU CANNNNNNOT CHEAT NATURE trick maybe and that ALWAYS BACKFIRES, worried cananbis backbone will BREAK if we lose all the fucking legs..... it will crumble on itself, where are THE COISOGENIC cultivars, the fucking icons, eg blue dream strawberry cough the fire cut of og kush see single , gg4 , (not dutch cut) northern lights number 5 hotboxed in a car , -wheelchair weed icon , purple kush - darkstar , that REAL skunk stinks shit up , bubba kush hid in a coat, smell the house up don't think it WONT, that P98 , we all know THAT fire, im looking for answers only reason i conspire, -cuts that put you down like a dog *chemdog) , THAT GRAPEFRUIT SATIVA , FLORIDA KUSH IN A BOG, african hierloomed in hawaii , iconic as hell , where did they all go, cuts are all hybrized to hell, and i breed some fems , probably get hated or written off but how many fems are more stable and potent and as true breeding as their parents from Males even, and NO i never and am NOT SAYING "only fem breed" no i think tho there is SOMETHING to it genetically SORRY TELL ME OG KUSH IS SHIT okay lol - and speaking of shit is chemdog full of it kastus post got methikin also, -the "chemdog is sour D" either chem is lying or katsu is lying and as some random person i am gunna botch this qoute of said when it comes to genetic history ill take the story from the grower that talks to me and is AROUND, and if i had to pick sorry chem but katsu is the real and i take on some risk here but for cannabis i couldnt let this "go to waste" and i needed to learn more as well- im no "master" just can grow okay lol , idk how well you tell me, im actually pretty self conscious about it to be honest and dont care about bag appeal and hype just like GOOD SHIT is all i need good medicine lol, to the point it was MORE COST PRODUCTIVE to just make the stuff and less "crime" just doing me vs giving 500-1k a month or more for premium stuff that gets smoked by anything here and or my grow and im not trying to like LED SHAME no just like i have been doing A LOT OF RESEARCH into the technology ect and tell me... its not hype, the goddamn energy bans look incandescent is fucked ... OR iS , you ever run a nusery in 38F ambient temps well heat lamps, NO TECH IS USELESS FFS, HPS STILL BANGS like lets get a DE kw with 2 4ft UV - will be SOME GAS- and huge tall healthy plants as uv+HPS is lows AND highs of spectrum and it BANGS ON THE REDS - more than cmh, but the cmh still gives more trichs BALANCE MAYBE -strong light uv all the way to far reds ? and never 20 percent blue or more..... i do not scientifically see how that helps ESP in flower other than smaller compact plants that make shitter buds with less red and more blue i mean grow with a metal halide only in flower- it will still be GAS - i wonder where that term comes from i assume the Diesel taste of some strains, but what if its that GAS-discharge lighting , i mean there is a beauty to even the yellow orange glow of an hps, the white blue of a metal halide- the spectacle of a ceramic metal halide- is it daytime oh the lights on now, i mistake it for sunlight so badly had to seal that shit up or it would keep me up like a tweaker fucking up my circadian rythem bad but now i sleep again haha - cold coming in and these girls are SAFE with ceramic metal haldies - somehow always only run 2F over ambient - but if over mid 80s - positive void coefficient will keep drawing more and more power till either ballast and or bulb blows - cmh does have a lot of dangers , as any HID does but hey RISK-REWARD, and cmh also is the best cheap guarenteed stealth option a good shielded ballast will not have RFI as even its electronic *fun fact OG NON DIGITAL ballast will never give off any radio interference for shit due to magnet ballast technology- so put it out of the grow or away from heat and manage it better when its 100 , 1kw lights well you want a ballast room to just cool the shits- tbh this tiny ass ballast puts out eh 55-65w of heat , not a ton but now X2 , its another 100+W heat, tbh more heat the better, winters get to -10F , and they can keep the hvac banging with ambient heat intake and i just installed dampeners ect and remove and attach ducts to my bastard system lol that keeps me and the ladies alive, preservation is the mission, plan to run her from cuttings as well saving remaning seeds as well in cold storage along with mom and S1 of dad and ONE seed of father CUT as a eh keep it , so the genetics are good and unlike a lot i guess i WANT THEM out there, just uhhhhhh laws. and like idk a lot of yall well lol new to growing in general only 4 years now tops , so long way to go just got lucky What THREE times no that is not feeling like a coincidence, - the SR - its like very alive, the chucking and sterility do not like up with genetics and i should have a poly but dont - confiriming with sister strain OFC IF SHE MAKES IT - and the seed from them "reverse parents mix em up don't have the real name for it tech" P1xp2 X p2 XP1 = various cuts of gas ive seen idk what that is called genetically in plants - i know what the fuck coisogenic is "basically single pheno breeding only strain in laymans or single pheno breeding "True"-F1 , i feel in the time where everything was LANDRACE HEIRLOOM OR F1 OF THAT , YEAH about anything could mix and make some better fire , but like if i know genetics if you dilute them you fuck em up, and like the fire conspiracy i noticed it would "just work" never unpotent enough more wouldnt do the job but it felt like a DRUG not a medicine esp the cheaper the bag i got, i hated smoking a giant 2 gram bowl just to stop shaking, never again, will BANG ON THESE FUCKIN BULBS and will bring back the dank, one cut at a time , will release the Filliar Feline Family in a legal fashion or barring my death use the catchphrase and notes to recover hidden shit to remake them and or produce them from seed - only goal is that everyone that NEEDS CANNABIS can either make their own or barring that be able to get "homegrown" - i thinks there is some bullshit in the "illegal" industry , its like the bud is designed to yeah be not FIRE but not shit, only thing that changed was more polys , more autos, leds only for the most part, downfall of a plant , and like i belive in the sr-71 i have seen it DO THINGS and KOKO DO THINGS that no cut have done like so many ive listed and more - NOT only that but it CAN PRESERVE AND ENHANCE- like fucking replace that "durban posion" with SR-71 as the fucking backbone and I KNOW it DOES a BETTER JOB, tell me purple kush of ANY kind is shit, illl say you didn't give it the right love- she HATED THOSE LEDS - koko fucking dies under them gave her cmh she turns into a fuckin TREE - veg time and nutes do not affect them as much as light spectrum and enviorment they just wanna have fun -so in the climate and lighting i must fuck up nothing, you can't beat nature or really cheat nature-without downstream effects that can be WORSE - so emulation and cohabitation with the environment is key working on if this is a TECH or MADNESS you tell me "SPEED_HIERLOOMING" F1 Feline filiar - cloned out and heirlooms over a ibl amount of times eg 5-7 gens - more stable in say colder temps, why i take cuttings in temps i plan to use and why so many die :/ but the ones that don't are GOOD to GO , and like vigour is better than seed for sure, like for sure on sr, will test koko , and the HIERLOOM will see if -she will change due to enviorment , eg she was made under uv , bx of sr is under same lights , so taking CMH cuttings for moms, - ideally , i use 1st or 2nd gen as placeholders but if its stable as sr, just running gen to gen to gen, will test koko eh at least 5-7 cutting generations in a 12/12 speed run 3gal test pot in corner (12/12 grows are experimental, most of my growing at this point is , i want to optimize my ladies comfort rooms and if they are feeling good then so am I , i like to update lots of info pics ect so stay tuned lol this is a pretty fucking wild strain and if they survive- family now - trying to but its up to them - will make a genetics roadmap as i keep going and keep documenting - this IS WHAT IT HAS BEEN ABOUT , reason the "cannabiscat came to be and be here lol, had to just get all this info out, been growing and loving sr-71 and now koko#1- you gotta KNOW ABOUT HER and can be remade with a TRUE GG4 fem chuck to A TRUE SR-71 - unless someone does it and gets a diff F1- then the mystery gets deeper esp if cuts are also coisiogenic......... well technically it would always be a bit diff due to diff enviorments well she likes 400w of plu-blurple and the gg herms the hell up with high nitrogen waterlogged in a plastic pot make sure to overvegg for like 2 months or more never trim or train and keep the room super high humdity and 62F open room plant , for months then flower it with heavy nitrogen (shout out to dyna grow BLOOM - if you HAVE THE NEEEEED FOR HERM, i honestly may get more as poor mans colloidial silver its that high N like 3n lmfao - well hey if it SAID BLOOM I THOUGHT IT WAS RIGHT, sheesh, ik about pk ect now lol-
yeah tho this "SERIES OF MISTAKES or i call the universe saying goto work goto work goto work work work work, the way it went down seemed near pre-determined the plant order and timing ect, the nutes, the setup, all of it and now i will work and preserve her and if you dont wear rose colored glasses and take cmh seriously you would like this girl as well , or a fan of wheelchair weeds she is one for the hall of fame haha,
KOKO#1- GG4 ^F X FAST/HIERLOOM - SR-71 ultraviolet cut COISIOGENIC ,
KOKO is COISOIGENIC in 30 tests, and many more coming just need cuttings for 12/12 but needed to use seeds to doccument the coisogenic traits they lived and died in batches eg they all germ or NONE germ same with early to mid veg in flower they get small in old leds, EXPLODE under cmh - landrace heavy strains BALL , its eh the sun? they know that shit lmfao, i really love this cut and couldn't just smoke it in private forever and not at least post about it , and hopefully get her out there someday

- sneak peak (IF she survives the operation) HEX "like witch" - KOKO #1's Sister (in law) DIFF mix of SR-71 and GG and well she HULKED LIME TASTY NUGS TRYING TO SAVE HER if i do deff will keep this girl and make a page if anyone gives a fuck lmfao XD

some pics of a Koko #1 (FULL METAL HALIDE) RUN, she makes a more Christmas tree and sativa oriented structure fattening the whole center into a giant bud mass , has a "thai stick" down grow - buds grow from top down, covering most or all stalk, -needs ZERO TRAINING under cmh- she will get basically as you see from other photos (leds cause TINY plants for me -the lm301b ive tried -many brands to test , all have REALLY HIGH BLUES- trying to be an all in one , COPY CMH then, idk why i can't find an led thats got good far reds out to like 780-800nms, i notice in FLOWER it realllllly EFFECTS TERPENE GROWTH - only diff between that and led is FAR REDs, and a higher general GYR spectrum like an hps combined with brute force with multiple bulbs- so like i wish there were like "flower" and veg leds lol or just a 3000k- with a longer and HIGHER far reds specturm i only go on as cheap bulbs is like:

STILL USING CMH, just like that's a PSA, if you use CHEAPER BULBS - CHECK ON FIRE- if it is dim and not arcing fully chances are you have a cheaper digital and or magnetic ballast- well normal metal halide and hps just EXPLODE- everywhere, yeah look it up MH will just do it sometimes after 8-9k , when i worked in greenhouses i fuckin paid out of my check to buy amazon packs of MH "what wattage?" - repalced EVERY single one to buy myself a safe season lmfao, cmh you think is better but if your sketchy ass supplier makes a sketchy ass gas that somehow can occupy x5 the space or more and STILL ARC, YEAH IF YOU "let it RIDE' like run that i did, thinking eh its cold maybe it needs to warm up OH WTF IS THAT < KILL IT KILL IT KILL IT, got a healthy dose of gamma rays will let you know if i turn into the hulk.... hey who knows? eh , either way like point is if YOUR BALLAST IS NOT MICROPROCESSOR (BETTER BELIEVE IM GETTING SOME LMFAO) - apparently it will ARC, and fire - even tho the bulb (inner of outter jackets - see its confusing bulb is DUAL glass jacketed - pro is explosion proof uh can confirm that actually :) but if your like me and spend a little less for "bells and whistles" it could cost your GROW and or your LIFE - i can't say for sure how bad it is as i TURNED IT TF OFF after my cat went crazy , we look out i guess lmao, and like don't blame the tech, i blame this supplier who now has a discontinued number and amazon still bangs their bulbs tho , very FUCKIN sus, lol but yeah like still LOVE CMH HAHA JUST realized its a bit more complicated due to the dual jackets but a microprocessor ballast a good one has arc and filament break detection, and will NOT fire and that is GOOD , I DID NOT EH "BURN IN" the first ceramic metal halide bulb - shit not like the box said too..... so factor that in also YOU NEED 100 HOURS BURN IN to get "correct" spectrum it does, and FIRS TIME FIRING BULB _SHIT some say 5, some say 10hrs, i say just RUN A FLOWER CYCLE? yeah 12 hours - burns it in or some shit but yeah looks like it BURNS YOU in if you don't fuck still reasearching this tech as well its a lighting system designed GROUND UP for horticulture (and used for indoor warehouse lighting to simulate sunlight and it CAN like too well - had to plug it up or it THROWS OFF YOUR CIRCADIAN RYTHEM) and i am not like trying to go on and on but like these things can save your life should you ever choose to try cmh, tech is on sale everywhere so why not try a fixture out? MAKE SURE 4200K - VEG , SWTICH TO 3100k OR IMO 3000k- ideally a 3000k+FAR RED (*to 800nm) TERPENES ARE THE HIGH, THC IS JUST THC without them lmfao :)
UPDATE: not the first cut i made but the first i LOVED, koko#1 i have been trying to self (s1-F2) to begin working it - as well as now doing a BX with its mother- was able to pollen it up to her now if she wants to bear the BX1 seed will post about that as well,

the F2 selfing WORKED

had to first clone her out , grow her as HORRIBLY as possible but keep her alive , all it all made some GOOD smoke , THE poor girl- at least she will have made the progoney now so no more have to die like that she did not in vain as koko pheno hunt will be her legacy-----or mendel is full of shit - F1 self = S1 BUT F2 - S1- (F1xF1 = F2) in his experiments mendel selfed an F1 - and made F2 seeds he worked to F3 ,
so i mean? - half the reason im running a lot (and hehe threw in 3-5 koko F1 seeds as a double blind swear if they ALL end up the same.... will question what i know about genetics , as when you s1 it should be just the "same plant" and less vigour as i found with gg S1 , but was it an F1- will say impossible as it itself was from a FEMINIZED (selfed) seed so impossible to be first generation filiar (f2-fxx) ,

IDEALLY should get SOME GOOD phenos , with luck grandparents even, - plan to save them all in F3 if good each pheno may have a niche use or perk,

This is the girl that did it:

as for the other side of things found a stamen and used it to for sure pollinate a few of the smaller lower buds on a branch (up to sr if she wants to recipricate but if so i will get koko#1-Bx1 (a more brick solid version of her and ideally an sr-71 with some gg4 diesel taste - faster veg and more stretch in flower for better plants)
see Sr-71 thread for pics (21 day flower plant newest one)

really hope to get some cool phenos, and also work koko#1 to F3 , and test that out as well -will update as i can as this strain is something special and want to make it the best it can be

- hope their cut is BEFORE mine or i have the FIRST - fuck she breeds true, nearly wasted the F1 stash testing TF out of her - hardest plant to herm ever- always has the same grow under same conditions down to size yeild smoke just the same

-roesy taste early cure , more diesal and KUSH the longer it cures -

i mean i thought this girl is pretty special and will keep her around fn for sure- , does NOT get a lot of love , is it the name? -a fire fuckin cut imo haha genetic resistance alone, handled more stress than even the SR/ultraviolet without any stress herm-

am working on stabilizing the Bx (mainly just testing THAT now and making sure it is non-divergent "koko#1 Bx1" - can update that here later on , this cut was 1-7, the other only made 3 seeds of which one germed and lived - she was damn good pheno , but this one was like "fate" -
ended up with over 100+ from a single gg stress herm - grew out clippings of it and did not repeat even under IDENTICAL conditons -

on another note - will begin testing her on clippings now, from any seed (*and it was TWO fuckin mothers btw ;P THATS how damn good it is -talk about uniform lmao ultraviolet literally eliminated ANY pheno expression in the First. F1 cross! after running her as of RN from creating last year she has
-HERMED ONCE i burned her with a ceramic because i was that frustrated - 4+ hours of uv is not shit to her - reduced biomass, VERY increased potency


despite being from non ibl, and herm prone parents -i mean i believe in this cut haha even if im the only one, at least have this for history in case that changes-
Koko#1 -pics

Finishing at 6-7weeks:

bud of finished plant, rspecfr+hid top is koko#1 - bottom is ultraviolet

difference between runs (630w cmh hid vs 315w cmh + 260w RspecFr) -

Adding more 660nm to a stupid high 630nm and more far reds -

brought out a LOT more flavor - specifically from the gorilla glue father plant can taste diesals much more than the kushy flavor like the pure ceramics -

will say (IMO) better flavor - potency is tied with ultraviolet - ,

cures a lot better with this setup , less bs with molds and Pm now even in higher RH it seems to be higher "quality" -higher falvinoid and terpinoids, more resistance to loss

-she is also living on now ,
koko#1 "blueberry" phenotype in seed.
-koko#1 dead yard 2nd survivor

"Princess" pheno - look forward to that this summer aha.