1x CMH 315w adjustable winged hood - early to mid flower
center light: 260w RSPECFR - <3 it SLAPS haven't even finished and it is like hulking the fuck out of the ladies so much im sold haha - biomass AND IDEALLY high high TERPS - HID+LED at least in winter is perfect imo and
around 500+W real power
heat is less than cmh esp with even a circulator fan blowing air over it - in eh 68-60F ambient RspecFr+CMH are steady at 74-77F without much need for additional cooling
i wanted to just clarify - before this LED i could not find one that was affordable with - 3000k cmh spectrum i love *it does i thought the cmh fired early its THAT damn close so anyone like me that is ocd af about far reds and low blues - THIS LIGHT , i will just stack em over time its a WIN and fully reccomend - will update later on when i try a run of JUST the RPSEC *(it covers the whole 4x4 and in theory a 130w is 2x2 X2 - exact min coverage but will let the ladies tell,) all in all very fucking happy and deff FULL led in the summer lol but in winter i like the HID+LED combo and if your bored and or having problems like i was keeping them above like the 60s lights on with old pulrples , ehhhh- pure HID - too much fuckin heat and hotspots low yeild compared to led, too much stretch even with cmh-
5/5 on the "RPSECFR260w" - thank you to all as i was able to compare QUITE A FEW LEDS and well this checked all the boxes and love running it a breeze, highly reccomended *X2 as pure main lighting , deff enough imo - or 1+cmh hid lamp - for winter at least this has had the best results already- ,
plan to do CMH VS RSPEC tests as well eg using one 315w vs one of these pannels to test -thc level -terepinoid levels -overall biomass -overall health of plant
i mean i love love love cmh - but this thing is basically the "LED REMAKE" - and tbh can ADD HEAT easy - removing it is the bitch haha so worst case if it doesn't shithouse buds with low terps like the old leds will consider "full led" year round even after testing in hotter months
didn't mean to type a book but wanted to give some info and thanks to the helpful people here - really appreciate it and learning a whole damn lot which is great! lol also not married to any one lighting tech whatever is best $ for $ and OTR if they drop down the price a bit on it (got it on sale but its still 250) that would be amazing - great sup light and or X2+ main light gird , can't say how impressed i am i mean FUCK there
there is a night and day DIFF between LM301B and H diodes ik H is horticulture
b is BUUUUULLSHIT?- yeah if i ever go led Lm301H samsung or other brand (i think OSRAM? does the FR didoes? -its kinda vauge) but like QUALITY DIODES
coming from shit leds i tried all the "amazon leds" like vivosun, ac I , even a 100w spider at one point - returned a lot , stuck with a king led 2000w muti led setup (for 2021ish best you could afford under 200 and in hindsight would have just gone HID at that point and or saved up more for a GOOD led)
the one thing i DO STRESS still is there is not a lot of "Standard" as to what led lamps are "good" - and like
The "b" man i wouldn't use those for veg even- , H is as OP as HID lmao, HUGE DIFF and like "PSA" GET H DIODES OR HID BUT NEVER CHEAPER LED- while it may still "work" - shiiiiit 260w rspec has the coverage of 2x 280w plurple hybrids
so like savings and efficeny even if costs twice as much its gunna do better and have same coverage around same price all in all lol i regret not saving up but hey - live and learn-
i like the quantum boards so much (will have to try a bar and compare as some say one is better than the other)
but yeah i hope this also helps not just any newer growers looking for affordable flowering lights if your not a picky bitch like me any option here all these leds could defff make fire can't go wrong if spectrum isn't #1 lol - but also helps anyone that could use a "boost" - with even the dimmer or can wire on RJ control - deff a GREAT SUPP light and idk about horizantal mounting for supp - but i would be interested in trying that if possible as well
(using one or two main top pannels and then weaker or dimmed ones on the sides for supp lighting - i used to use supp lighting of various kinds and found it works well with shorter indica style plants best -if its sativa and tall it gets some more at the bottom but not worth a whole setup change imo - since i go shorter
wanted to add in suggestions and ideas for like supplemental lighting setups eg light strips , cmh apparently can side mount? idk how to safely do that but i feel supp/multi directional lighting can really help SHORT+WIDE Plants reach full potential and some led strips are A LOT cheaper than a huge main light -
trying to also see the "max" as i don't use co2 , feel like any more than 1-200w more tops will start being counter productive still got a lot to learn but this RSPEC IS THE SHIIIIIT <3 will bang on it till it DIES lol
- found this pretty informative:
https://www.onestopgrowshop.co.uk/blog/plants-and-far-red-light -