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wow, i am close to this then, cool !!
(i wasn't aware of the original diesel-formula, lol.)
i made MSS x m39 (=NL/sk from 1987) and i made my own pure chem by combining an
elite stardawg with males from topdawg's onycd v3.0 (= chem4/chemd x chem91/chemd).
hitting the "alchemy" (pure chem) with/to the "sanskrit" (MSS x m39)
and then check it out for sour-expressions, seems like a great idea now.
funny ... the (random) stuff one bumps in while having fun, haha ... cool.
Interesting work santero. Are these recent hybrids or just hybrids you have made?
Whats up with those, any footage to lurk up?both are from years ago ... m39 work was around 2016 (?), made the repro for woodhorse.
and the onycd about 1-2 year/s later. sanskrit was really nice smoke, old school herb but with
the 'modern' trichage.
This is the ECSD that Katsu passed to us DHK guys back in the day for reference. It had that incredible flavor but sometimes the high gave me anxiety if I'm perfectly honest so I wouldn't smoke it if I was feeling off at all. The taste would also really vary depending on when you took her too but I used to like 10 weeks if I remember correctly. It was definitely a special and elite plant though that I wish I still had that's why I grabbed a pack of Katsu's IBL to hopefully find something close. We're lucky he made this available to us again in seed form.
Can we have this blank filled again @katsu ?[No message]
You know it's kind of weird you say that because there's only one other strain that could give me the 'willies' like that and that was Haze Special by KC which happens to be a NH crossed with his KC606(whatever that is as he never really said exactly what it is that I know of). It's funny I actually just snagged a few packs of those too from KC and his NL. There is definitely skunk in there too because nothing stunk up my house like SD and I've grown so many strains over the 25 years I've been growing. I remember dating this girl and she moved in with me for a bit and my flower room happens to be directly below my bedroom. She was a hairdresser and her cloths like absorbed the skunk smell or something and all the girls at the salon would tell her she reeked like a dead skunk. I think that got me in the doghouse if I remember correctly, lol. I think this is why I always just went with the notion it had that Mass SuperSkunk in her mixed with the Chem which gives it that immense gas smell. SD was lemons and gas man. There was absolutely no sign of Haze in the nose or taste though but that doesn't mean it wasn't part of the genes somewhere down the line. I personally liked Katsu's Bubba better as far as buzz goes as that shit is like taking a benzo or something it's so good at killing any anxiety at all. I might just be a nervous guy who knows, lol. BTW, nice post SeedStreet I love BSing about this stuff. I've been down with some health issues for the last couple years but totally 100% and ready to immerse myself into growing killer buds again for me and a few close buds so they dont get robbed at the dispensary. It's like 35% tax here in RI now its insane.The anxiety part sounds like another link to the sourcecode. Neville Schoenmakers was convinced that Diesel (and Jack Herer) go back to his NL5Hz. He actually said its the same plant and if you look at the bud structure, the bubbly calyx and the little 'dog tongue' (Matt Riot described them visually like that and i found it fits) leaves that are coming out of the bud formation it is indeed a tell tale. You can find those in Nevilles big 3, the NL5Hz, SSHz and also NHz - dog tongues not so much in NHz but bubbly calyx are not uncommon.
Also some Afghan lines have these type of mini leaves and calyx/bud structure - Nev used the Afghan T for Afghan Haze...again the same traits appear.
I been down a lot of dusty rabbit holes and it seems they all are connected at the bottom...
You know it's kind of weird you say that because there's only one other strain that could give me the 'willies' like that and that was Haze Special by KC which happens to be a NH crossed with his KC606(whatever that is as he never really said exactly what it is that I know of). It's funny I actually just snagged a few packs of those too from KC and his NL. There is definitely skunk in there too because nothing stunk up my house like SD and I've grown so many strains over the 25 years I've been growing. I remember dating this girl and she moved in with me for a bit and my flower room happens to be directly below my bedroom. She was a hairdresser and her cloths like absorbed the skunk smell or something and all the girls at the salon would tell her she reeked like a dead skunk. I think that got me in the doghouse if I remember correctly, lol. I think this is why I always just went with the notion it had that Mass SuperSkunk in her mixed with the Chem which gives it that immense gas smell. SD was lemons and gas man. There was absolutely no sign of Haze in the nose or taste though but that doesn't mean it wasn't part of the genes somewhere down the line. I personally liked Katsu's Bubba better as far as buzz goes as that shit is like taking a benzo or something it's so good at killing any anxiety at all. I might just be a nervous guy who knows, lol. BTW, nice post SeedStreet I love BSing about this stuff. I've been down with some health issues for the last couple years but totally 100% and ready to immerse myself into growing killer buds again for me and a few close buds so they dont get robbed at the dispensary. It's like 35% tax here in RI now its insane.
what are you running these days?You know it's kind of weird you say that because there's only one other strain that could give me the 'willies' like that and that was Haze Special by KC which happens to be a NH crossed with his KC606(whatever that is as he never really said exactly what it is that I know of). It's funny I actually just snagged a few packs of those too from KC and his NL. There is definitely skunk in there too because nothing stunk up my house like SD and I've grown so many strains over the 25 years I've been growing. I remember dating this girl and she moved in with me for a bit and my flower room happens to be directly below my bedroom. She was a hairdresser and her cloths like absorbed the skunk smell or something and all the girls at the salon would tell her she reeked like a dead skunk. I think that got me in the doghouse if I remember correctly, lol. I think this is why I always just went with the notion it had that Mass SuperSkunk in her mixed with the Chem which gives it that immense gas smell. SD was lemons and gas man. There was absolutely no sign of Haze in the nose or taste though but that doesn't mean it wasn't part of the genes somewhere down the line. I personally liked Katsu's Bubba better as far as buzz goes as that shit is like taking a benzo or something it's so good at killing any anxiety at all. I might just be a nervous guy who knows, lol. BTW, nice post SeedStreet I love BSing about this stuff. I've been down with some health issues for the last couple years but totally 100% and ready to immerse myself into growing killer buds again for me and a few close buds so they dont get robbed at the dispensary. It's like 35% tax here in RI now its insane.
Thats great to hear im all with the bs on this one!
How long did your Haze Special from KC flower? I happen to own 2 packs of those, picked up 20 packs from him in Person while travelling Holland, i think i also grabbed the NL, dude is amazing with the gear and prices. The info part and pic department is a bit lacking unfortunately but around since '79 so there must be a reason why. His Haze Special even won some underground cup back in the day with quite some real ass judges...
Growing is half of the medication to me, i have to try the Bubba man i only hear good stuff sounds like perfect for daily usage when stressed out. But i was also hoping to find the perfect Diesel to do the trick, get my ass motivated start the day type of high. I got my own potent Indica breed already, the Pappa Gen2 - def a sedative and deeply relaxing herb. Ontop of a fat seed stash...collected some Dogs and Diesels lately.
Katsu SD IBL one of the few snitch free regs out there...had to get hands on.
You may want to look into Emerald Triangles Lemon Diesel, no anxiety for me and effect wise just bliss. That ones a underdog in the Diesel world i can only suggest to try one day.
Did even mix well with alcohol.
Could be your type of meds, did calm me down to the point where i really began to not worry about a single thing while still active. Here and now type of high.
The whole Diesel story has quite a bit of history to it, seems it def has some early 90s 'Euro' genetics in it and the Chems are a fucking mystery themselves. Then again Haze was big in the catalogues so it couldve found its way in also.
25 yrs of growing is some time done with the plant, salute! Im in like 15 deep.
Looking forward to the next 15...
Hey Katsu what's up buddy? Well I had some health issues the last 3-4 years that just totally took me out. My regular doctor couldn't figure out why I was so sick and hurting so I got a second opinion and that doctor found out it was Lyme disease. The first doctor even checked for it but it didn't come up I guess in my bloodwork so I wallowed in pain for a few years. Anyways, last fall the 2nd doc put me on antibiotics and one other medication and I'm totally good now like 100%. I swear you don't know how precious your health is until it's taking from you. So, that whole ordeal put a huge damper on growing and everything so I'm kind of doing a reset other than my Wedding Cake mom. I'm not taking anymore clones in from anybody and just gonna find my own Moms now especially with the viruses now. I still got a bunch of old beans from way back and recently popped some of Breeder Steve's old stuff the Blockhead and Shiskaberry. I also got some of Chimera's Frankie's Haze at about 9 weeks and she reminds me of Shanti's old SSH from even before the yellow packs. I'm going to be popping your beans here coming up so I'll definitely take some pics for you and do a grow diary on here for everybody. I don't have a ton of room but can still pop some beans and look for a special keeper. I appreciate you making that SD an IBL my dude. That's badass man! Hope you, wifey, and your girls are good man. Glad to be on your forum here bro didn't realize you had one while I was under the weather a bit there. Did you ever run Steve's Blockhead? I got one that smells like grapefruit and Haze which I wasn't expecting.what are you running these days?
Thanks buddy so much better now not having to worry about police kicking my door down and taking my house from me so these next 15-25 years should be great without that stress. That's awesome you snagged those packs from KC as he flies under the radar because his stuff is so fairly priced and people assume cheap beans = bad plants which is so far from the truth. I grew the Haze Special probably way back in like 2001-02 but not sure exactly but split a pack of regs(all there was back then) with a buddy and only had 2 girls to choose from. They actually flowered really fast for a Haze surprisingly with one going 9 from clone the other 11. The 11 week girl was the one that gave me some butterflies for lack of a better word. This could just be me too and I know that so take it with a grain of salt. Anyways, both had that churchy haze thing going but the 9 week girl was better yielder and all around nicer plant. I kept her as a Mother until I found a SSH that I preferred more a few years later. I only had so much room for Moms back then so I had to be kind of picky. I look forward to actually having more numbers to select from though when I get around to popping them which will probably be this fall. I am with you 100% on KC he's a guy who flies under the radar but has some heirloom gear which are the building blocks of todays stuff. He's got those sick Brazilians and might of gifted Shanti the genes to make the Widows. That could just be rumor though but it wouldn't surprise me at all. Yeah that Bubba is just so soothing to me and the most anti-anxiety strain I've ever smoked by far. It's not even close either. I joked about it being like a benzo but I havent done anything other then cannabis in 15 years even drinking but it reminded me of when I used to bum Klonopin off an old girlfriend back in the day. The best part of the Bubba is it doesn't hag you out like an Afghani normally does and suck all motivation from you, lol. That's why I bought a pack of the Pre98 too from Katsu. I just want something similar doesnt have to be exact. Yeah the Chem origins is even more convoluted then SD huh? It's definitely the parent of some of the best strains ever like OG and SD though. I take everything with a grain of salt when it comes to any cannabis origin stories though. Oh that KC NL special has that old school Christmas tree smell/flavor if you find the right Momma. It grows like a Haze though so be prepared for that, lol. The NLS takes longer than the HS which is comical in a way. Let me know when you pop those too. I'm gonna some of Katsu's beans first then hit KC in the fall. Peace!
Yo dude I'm so effing burnt I thought I already responded to you. Oh man I'm losing it bro, lol. Man, you put that perfectly as far as standing on the shoulders of giants. . I was in Amsterdam when the white stuff was the hype strain of the moment and it was freaking everywhere. Yeah man the Bubba to me at least has all the good of an indica without any of the bad if that makes sense. It never hagged me out and it always felt good to smoke. I would have jars of Sour D, Hazes, Blueberry, ect and I would always without thinking grab from the Bubba jar. It was hard to keep full because its not the best yielder. Even the damn sugar leaves is gold! I'm not even kidding. Katsu could tell ya too. That's funny on the Bubba origins story. I would give 'Bubba' a big man hug for finding that plant if I could. I find even hybrids with Bubba in it feel good too so it breeds its goodness out to its children too. I got a few of the Noctural Emissions from Katsu and looking forward to giving those a whirl. Yeah KC has something other than the NL going on, lol. I look forward to growing those too in the future. So many beans, so little time.Thanks for the insights, i was finding contradicting info on the HS, now i kinda know the frame i am looking at.
Over the ciurse of time i will have to grab some Bubba from Katsu some Christmas eve.
Funny you mentioned the Widow and Shanti, i was just thinking about it the other day as KC is travelling to Brasil since decades and collected stuff there first hand, you still see him over there in his feed, enjoying life. So thatbwouk make perfectly sense and no shame for working with good gear from legends, we all are standing on the soulders of giants.
Also theres Ingemar on the WW history...but that a whole nother topic.
For me its also Canna only these days.
Good to hear you can grow now with peace of mind.
On the Bubba effects, i do not like it at all to be drained of energy, i am looking more into energizing effects. Calming and relaxing is fine and there is a time and place for that Afghan hammet but overall morr on a get shit done type of vibe so i get why it is so sought after.
Maybe @katsu can chime in on it too. I heard various stories of origin and also the controversy about the pre 98 title.
Dont remember whos interview it was but apparently the guy who grew/bred the Bubba initially. They said they called it Bubba because it was a term he called anybody, like Dude. So the Kush he got became Bubba Kush.
Crazy the NLS going longer than the HzS...thats wild.
Not sure when i got the time and space to run those but i am veeery curious.
Currently in transition of some things so hoarding and planning until i set it up.