Sr-71 (Ultraviolet Cut) PK


New member
will have CORRECT genetics AND information to strain background in the near future
CAN confirm it is Pure Kush X Pure Purple Afghani
*(pure kush)- type of YES the boarder hash(plant) /"Hindu Kush" (nevilles) of og chuck -
the special purple afghani gives it a grape taste that stands alone and well boarder hash(plant) is the subject of a lot of research now as it well made a LOT of good strains im finding out

MADE EXCLUSIVELY by K at the time under the "TRICOME TECHNOLOGIES"- but to give credit to the TRUE creator of this LEGENDARY cut- not many strains are good for ptsd AND let you fuckin function so my hat is off to this cut, not to mention its EASE of cultivation (for ANY new grower you cannnnot go wrong and or veterans alike, i feel it should have a run in anyones garden once!)

so please disregard and or take into account info BELOW this is word of mouth internet "facts" ie a lot is WRONG - i will say at least to my credit was right about the boarder hash plant, and traced it back to the correct breeder- so happy about that honestly, nothing like months of research and years of working a strain to PAY off lol

working on resurrection and protection of the sr-71 cut the ultraviolet has a strain added to it also idk what but if i had to guess some bubba pheno by the very sedative sedative effects, i also am using cannabis to treat my own extremely severe ptsd (C-ptsd) , so researching cannabis for that alone, and this strain is the best by far and its f1s can be even better but first making sure she can be saved and seeded, was going ask best NON TOXIC methods , i normally rhoderize but she is setrile pollen, i got it a bit potent but not much, eg two seeds a plant, trying other methods but things about sr-71

-8 week min veg stock *(i cut it down without much loss anywhere else) but yeah she is SLOWWWWW To start sig trait imo,
-DRINKS NUTES< like if you burn her daaang, cause i poured pure nutes on soil for her and she ate it


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Right on man. I love this girl too. Just got the old Lavender cut and I am doing a little project with the two of them and probably Urkle. SR71 is some damn good purple smoke.
Dawgz_Daze_Gardenz said:
Right on man. I love this girl too. Just got the old Lavender cut and I am doing a little project with the two of them and probably Urkle. SR71 is some damn good purple smoke.

-game recognize game and yes! it is honestly my -standard- like better or worse than sr? - i started out with her and now shes never leaving the garden and yes AMAZING AMAZING BREEDER lmao the only con is too many F1s to to work at once lol, and like she takes a learning curve mainly -she has like 0 stretch , so if you don't like veg it 3-5x what you normally would it is a bit dissapointing but she always made fire . shit 14w led floodlight jerry rigged diy led , plurples. trying her under Ceramic metal halides soon, looking VERY forward to that and will post pics as landrace heavy or pure strains explode under it - tho it does terrible for "indoor only" strains-

oh how is the lavender cut that is one i have HEARD OFFFF but never seen/smelled/smoked/ ahha lil jelly, as if i havent gotten a bag of it , it is deff very rare - i also find it funny this is the first "strain" i ever bought a bag of - some 2009 pk (sr-71) ill always remember the moment i got "dank" haha before it was just that bag weed brick shit, mexican sativas (to be fair if cured and fresh it was good shit 2$/G base price lol) i love Sr-71 may be my fav strain and just gets me all nostalgic to the days when everything was still around and og kush was a sativa dominant hybrid ect haha im so glad i found a random ass bag seed tho and got her back - she propagates SO WELL i mean like out of any strain i get like 9.10 clones and i mean the way i do it is i clone her, let her veg up and then always keep taking a new mother each time, and she keeps vigor a LOT longer and like all the purps are just yeah great smoke and im makin sure too bx this girl for real this time and just keep em around, i notice a lot of growers here have "the real" cuts of older stuff like this, and shit i like it more than most stuff thats come out-no disrespect just the taste burn effects ect just arnt as good, in one way , i like am an indica smoker kush has always been good to me haha. and gl with your girls as well i wish the best for them!

Jackalope said:
SR71 is a new one to me. What is the parentage of that strain?
okay so a lot of research like this is catagory: "Wheel chair weed" and it is the same if worked effects as DARKSTAR (purple kush X mazar- afghan , i suspect that this is the male Afghani the mazar-i-sharif cut - the one also in MASTER KUSH , well it got worked a bit and backcrossed on the MALE side - but the female they had the sense to keep pure boarder kush and if my research is right it was worked and backcrossed so the MALE side had boarder kush at least 20-40 percent of it, and that is why this cut is well held im not the only one that has it but the only one that will tell you i have it and i plan to "power to the (competent) people" - i don't do seedbank type stuff but if the katsu method of sending cuts in the mail actually fuckin works (i can't see any flaws on paper other than HOW DID I NEVER THINK OF THIS) and my man KATSU!

themself -if you see this and want some of this SR and can DM how to package it and send it without well a return address lmfao i would LOVE to send this girl to you, keep her or not, she is worth a run and would love to see thoughts on it , ive been personally working this strain from clone form and occasionaly seed, i found if i revegged every 5-6 grows it would restore vigor, heh, finally it lost all disease resistance but by then i can fem chuck so a BX1 of it , and she is back, going to send a tiny blury pic but beginning the "super veg" - one day its like four nodes then it EXPLODES, like cannot track growth let alone even trim her enough lmfao, like it sucks she doenst make ANY SUGAR other than the leaves in or attached closely to buds, otherwise hell of a good hashplant - so like idk id say some haze offspring cross *(that was the opp and like EVERY damn leaf was sugar haha) but yeah i got this girl by chance and 100s USD later, and like 15 something diff strains or more honestly still my fav other than the main F1 of her - plan to make another page for koko but , well she won't self and if she does is completly inert so clone stress it is , but will be a bit even with rushing mini 12/12s lol but if can get a bx of seed i consider her like seedfinder worthy as ofc dumb luck okay im new lmfao, but got the perfect chuck of a gorilla glue of all plants actually , and like this is the most fire strain ive ever had , i mean like that darkstar F*** , dont make any important planss wheelchair weed lol, i can eat clonazepam like its candy but it taste of shit compared to cannabis so incap to one is like relaxing after a few bowls for me haha i guess maybe there is a "SATIVAMAN" polar opposite out there and those will be the fire haha , i plan to keep sr-71 fresh and like she is good again too esp with cmh uv , *(boytryis bud/fruit rot) is her weakness like any heavy afghan strain but she like lost alll resistance at one point and a revegg clone then bx fixed it, then grew that out and seeded it thought i lost her with everything in the fridge Fucked, finished a bag last month and what is at the damn bottom, two seeds of sr , one never germed the other balled . sigh so glad, was going to F2 hunt her to get her back but instead its like - imagine you made a phd thesis it got deleted you woe and 5 or so months later just find it fully intact in the recycle bin and restore it instantly , ay , well i hawkeye her rn all day if i can , heatmat 4 hour checks ect , like about to make clones and she again is THE BEST CLONING STRAIN IVE SEEN like i started cloning with her so i may be biased but any other in same dome would at best be 76-80 she is like 9/10 or im messin up lol , like also the vigor keeps going in the clone well untill it looses it all, she is a trip and idk why such a unknown/secret cut , is supposedly clone only too but i got a damn seed tho haha , i mean these dutch banks are just sprayin silver on everything tho so it is possible , got lucky literally like lighting striking twice haha i swear this strain is some magic - also why i post like this probably haha "wheel chair weed" find that term fitting , a tier above the "couch lock" cuts haha , and like again will try to keep this updated haha keep an old strain relevant, the best cuts ive been smoking are seeming to be "The classics" now haha look forward to a second page as well with her F1 as welll - i want to say its a poly but technically both parents being both prestige / legendary clone only strains changes things a bit imo genetically they have NO phenos - so F1 TRUE imo, plus one was worked so hard she is basically an hierloom 15-30 gens lost track of the amount after the double digits, she was and is again my goto girl as she never will disappoint on potency and yield and her daughter as well it seems but with a more gassy diesel profile and even MORE sedation mu hahah , just they are very damn stable every "stress herm" thing just either doesnt work or the die before a chuck , got ONE to chuck after like combining ALL the methods - been a bit rushed to rhoderize, its another 6-10 weeks for sure then lol but hey i guess you cannot rush perfection , i guess good growin all lol
Very interesting. Some strains the more you don't know, the more interesting they are. I grew out some Purple Afghani F-2's a couple years ago. They hermied but had a really great flavor
SAVE some trouble here: not ANY of the cuts below except the boarder hash plant -

while good speculation on the origons of these other afghan/kush cuts - they are not releveant at ALL now at least to SR-71pk/Ultraviolet

Jackalope said:
Very interesting. Some strains the more you don't know, the more interesting they are. I grew out some Purple Afghani F-2's a couple years ago. They hermied but had a really great flavor
Purple Kush
Hindu KushHindu Kushthey greatly expanded cannabis cultivation, expanding it to cover more than 50 per cent of all the agricultural lands of Azra district and up to 80 per cent of those of the Dubandi Valley of Khoshi district. The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction studySarak-e Russ-hachars
I would grow this out just for its name, being a huge fanboy of the actual SR-71! Is it a clone only strain?

as of RN - best guess other than main parents is it was CROSSED at some point with lavender- just enough to have an impact but hide the features


GAB PK was MADE by TRICHOME TECH , what are the fuckin ODDS they made TWO distinct PK cuts , AND sr? - most likely at least what I would DO

is work in the dankest progeny carefully to boost certain traits


just found that interesting - i started with her in soil but god she BALLS In coir - even the smallest cuttings always fill out , love this girl so much and I WILL UNDERSTAND YOUR ORIGONS!!!! as she is a main staple of my breeding now - need to know ALL THE history lol

Sr-71 while its true origins are vague (a reworked purple kush) sent up and down the coast from cananda (probably) or oregon to canada (probably) then we know it made its way to "skunk WERKS" - and the oakland area SR-71 dispensary where it was first popularize more mainstream

the only know info really is it was from

SR-71 PK *Ultraviolet cut*

the "ultraviolet work of pk" was 16.x % thc - neck and neck with krippy - so not baaaad? - but the cut i have is gas clean over 20% for sure- competes and beats "25%+ strains" -

so i wonder how they got it WAY MORE potent added near 10 percent thc to it - and also it is "skukier" - but

SWEAR something else is thrown in there - to boost potency - , my working theory is that through all the working of it someone threw something in and well records either were intentionally destroyed or poorly kept - trichome tech was noctorious for this - sigh, i like to OPEN source shit - i would rather some else be able to create the progeny THEN WHORE IT OUT

i hope to one day be able to just have an unlimited amount of cut and seed to give out of these girls - 1 and your BALLIN lol

i have hierloomed it and have a distinct improved plant in every way i could -
Sr-71 Pk -ir/Infared cuts-
Grown seed to harvest under heavy far reds
it loves it



FATHER: UNKNOWN REWORK OF- MAZAR-I-SHARIF (MAZAR) *(afghani with SKUNK#1 worked in) - is very pronounced now in this cut as is GRAPE taste now

if you look at the 1970s pk cuts they are mother strain -

"HINDU. KUSH" - bit vauge,


-meticulous research shows at that time (90s) - late 80s- the afghani heirloom cuts ONE was the FIRE, "boarder HASH" strain - BOARDER KUSH

NO longer obviously avilable and a complete beast as a mom or dad THIS strain MUST be preserved and will with pure cuts of SR-71 pK, og kush from florida chuck, and ofc the BUBBA. - the boarder kush lives on but fuck if it may not be a staple breeding strain if anyone or me ever can cross and f2 hunt it out would BE A BREEDER- a male or female works just as well ive seen , i mean you take the best afgani cut and then hierloom it with paki techs your gunna get a game changer?

i go on because oh landrace is shit, its not potent , well it can hit 24-25%+ BEFORE i started working it and even with skunk#1 in it still all landrace strain

-Trichome Tech Ultraviolet cut

SR-71 Pk Ultraviolet

ULTRAVIOLET X LAVENDER KUSH _ never tried "korean" but wonder IF THAT is the damn taste i keep pickin up on lol

also the GRAPIEST GRAPE smell everrr- swear if i let it ride 9+ weeks smells of GOOD WINE lol - TERPS have a hard time in cure- if not done PERFECT will get all nasty over a few months even - she grows fast and spoils fast - GOOD FOR EXTRACTS eg she is the main strain for my tincutres and it preserves the terps (alcohol in a dark fridge) - i have had bottles for eh 5-6 months no loss of potency noticed and smoother each week as it decants -

there is like not much info other than i can say

FOR SURE SR-71 PK IS FROM TRICHOME TECH - FOR SURE has GABERVILLE i imagine and or they share the same "PK' cut - i feel as if another kush or other landrace other than skunk is thrown in there - it is more fruity than kushy in late pulls - and so are its progeny , idk how many hardcore GRAPE cuts there are but strarting there as that is the MOST distinct feature its skunky kushy ass leaf smelllll that sticks to the hand - and fat buds stinking of grapes ,

i feeeeel like im getting about as close as i can to origins sepeculating tho if im wrong about a guess - i usually am not TOO far off id like to think?

and now there is


some pics of the original mother i found and a few of the earlier runs you may see how she HULKS out i really did not need training just trimming and time lol thats the way i like em , she will NOT disappoint for potency or yield esp lol if there is stem theres bud(s) lol tons of tiny ones but they do add tf up lol love this strain and found some old pics!

I don't know if it's the same but Madd Farmer sells a strain named 71 Wicked Flavors which is SR-71 Purple Kush X Tripoli Wicked. I had packs of that and Razorback Wicked which is another Tripoli Wicked cross, gave them to a friend with a commercial grow...and his grow burned to the ground right after, so no clue how those grew.
FullCirclePharmer said:
I don't know if it's the same but Madd Farmer sells a strain named 71 Wicked Flavors which is SR-71 Purple Kush X Tripoli Wicked. I had packs of that and Razorback Wicked which is another Tripoli Wicked cross, gave them to a friend with a commercial grow...and his grow burned to the ground right after, so no clue how those grew.

EDIT - NO MAZAR- at least the conventional cut by any means , somehow the skunk smell comes from the pure kush + special PURE purple afgani kush *(not half and halfed with pk like it is sold now) - no skunk#1 - but some skunky smell (assume that is the boarder hashplant accounts of it from the og kush making crew said it had a very DIESEL flavor (word of mouth on that but would make sense and line up with the correct genetics)

, sr-71 is a really good breeder imo, the very singular pheno is great for balancing out strains and the stain cross skunky result- I SMELLL IT IN THE LEAVES- later on in veg it has a slight skunk to the kush, explains its "odd smell" lol, , i mean potency is the goal esp for me but it does not hurt that it will give ozs of any shrub over a ft, and like seems to INCREASE yeilds as ive run many 1ft-1.5ft 12/12s to test her and like damn, more than og or gg4, so she is deff something i hope everyone can get in their garden, great ballast never lets ya down and very durable once she gets her roots out very tough and resilient- the only weakness is early on very slow veg *(took eta 4-5weeks to get that "vigour going" where it is a runt and then explodes and its doing 10+ nodes a day after ahwile, some pics of the first grow i had NO idea about any training ect, it just well is a fuckin bush lol, with cmh+uv i find i don't need to trim her and a good ocillating fan or putting her in front of the intake duct even is enough air for the thick canopy i got her acclimated also to much colder temps and she does purp sometimes , but its really a matter of it freezing lmao and the "purple" sr-71 is by the worst shit imo, looks the best most "bag appeal" but potency- a freeze burned plant obv is lower lol, the "Fresh" i call it sr that doesn't purp and pulled at eh 30-35% amber is the best imo - still some sativa head high and can function , i pull half or 2/3 of that for daily use then finish her and have an oz or two of nighty night 50-60 amber , much more sedating, she really can change effects on the rate of pull, and tbh fast as shit can pull in as little as five weeks and it will finish fine, little smaller but potency is still there even, impressive doesn't really do it justice i worked this cut more than any other as it has and probably always will be my favorite, haha its been very good to me honestly never disappoints if you give her enough love :heart:
so she could take 3x "2000"watt - 275w from wall, so something in between that and 200w, with fans ect idk in just veg -60/80w hard to read non lit led on power meter reader, 160w in flower its odd both switches then pulled 275- ( 160+(80)=240 ) - way more HEAT and light heat as well i suspect- the IR didoes only fire with borth switches and are what 3w? its lm301b didoes i did like look at them and they are the right size and its not like they are BAD just $ for $ cmh is just so much better for TERPENES - add uv - THC is the same or better, now its GOOOD STUFF yes yeilds are less ofc, but potency>amount of plant eg REAL NL5, or even the "nl5" nevilles shit lol LOW YEILDS but fire as FUCK. and id rather have just 10 of those with 1-2oz a plant than 10oz on one plant of some shit i don't love, why waste the time growing something if you cant consume it *well i grow medically so for this purpose this mindset, but even commercially you want to have "dank" - this was a pretty damn good second tho i will say 3 leds at max pulled over 800w from wall and in a 2x4 fuuuuuck- like 84-86f (one of the first 20 grows where i read BAD advice - i ASSUME this was a co2 based guide as temps were told to go up past 90 but with a 6' good extractor and 4' intake powered, i was able to hold high 80s - i kept it as a good nursery tent with a cmh able to do the coverage of all three and somehow not kill strong sprouts or cuttings and also NO DISEASE- i used to get botyriatic leafed cuttings ALL The time from a healthy mom as the secondddd RH went above 65 fucked- for sr- untill cmh and uv and led- and that only works for LATE veg or flower a uv-b setup kills sprouts but a cmh can give SOME uv-b from start to the point anything cmh grown is labeled either "full metal halide/ ultraviolet cut" - confusing as it is already that cut so ultravioletx2 now- 3 leds, and 84-86F they took the same conditions fine that killllled a bunch of gelato plants - i don't really lose any sleep over thaaaat, and this sr well she can ACCLIMATE - also can survive, used to not even dome cuttings and just take like 30 and assume 6-10 will make it for sure, NO DOME eg this tray survived in the pic of some clones - pros are very durable hard cuttings that can go right to vegging, and if done right *peak vigour* she is DESIGNED as a roatating mother but i will attempt to try to keep mother worst case can bx as she is not sterile to chuck like her daughter- pretty wild trait tho i mean if you "fear the herm" THIS SHIT IS FOR YOU then like she only herms if you basically top 2/3s (kill her) late harvest and im half convinced she just rhoderizes then NEVER gotten seed with just ONE in the tent- why i state it is for sure a bx not a self *if that really matters tbh with this strain there is only "sr-71" she CAN be worked by environmental changes ONLY- "coisiogenic strain"- singular phenotype true breeding- very ground breaking shit imo as a fem pollen plant can be uniform as fuck, only reason i contest its true f1, as this mother well i would like to make more phenos with her but i don't just chuck on stuff lol even the fem breeding actually is even more so highly planned then a male run as every dust is much more wild and or possibly inert or can cause undesirable traits- honestly trying to get some cuttings and work them the way i do idk the way i grow ive gotten her pollen unsterile and the strain as well - discovered in fem breeding that not only can just pollen be inert but even the strain can be inert to receiving pollination eg no seeds, but wastes the energy to make them still so no BUD OR SEED , fuck i litterally got SHIT off of a lot of the 12.12s i mean like NOTHING but some popcorn and stems NO SEEDS, -hex while not really making GOOD seeds, has seeded from said chuck oh damn did not mean to go on just the strain sterility is facinating as that shit has GOT TO GO- seems more like something a corporation would pull to keep you from bx'ing it which is unholy imo i like want to properly preseve this cut luckily her mother is coisioigeic so back to the point i WILL BX KOKO #1 WITH SR-71 as shit its so uniform i will bet the bx is the same as the "mother" ------secret to ANYONE reading this okay, there were TWO MOMS but the girls were SO GODDAMN UNIFORM i COULDNT exactly figure out whos buds were whos, got confused and in that day i always rack dried instead of hang so once cut up which rack was the first and the second uhhhhhhh, so that is how GODDAMN impressive this strain is - even TWO DIFFERENT "MOTHERS" can create the SAME true f1, as i can't tell for shit one koko to the next- love it - don't love the non-sterility tho sr was the same for a long time - anther not even secret i said this - accidentally somehow idk if it was just the cloning weakining the plant over years i was selecting phenos that were better for non-sterility somehow, idk but like one did seed a bit more than the other its also odd - that allowed the gorilla glue that hermed to pollenate her well, going to try to run her from cuttings as if she half as good as her mom at them - and note this gg cut "real cut" or at least its real to me lol, i love the chocolate coffee diesel taste , will keep preserving this cutting and her girl, but i know WAY MORE CUTS can be made from her! i consider her and she is really a BOOOOOSTEED boarder kush, i just wonder if there is any way to really get a male out of a female only strain , other than breeding her with one obv, but eh will get more wild later on with male pollen prob chuck and bag it ect, and like controlled conditons as much as possible, fem pollen is mostly inert even a spray bottle will deal with it easily in the worst conditions and washing prefilters and fixtures out -well dont wash those but yeah cleaning em out or off, eh just glad to have sr and hopefully these cuttings _lastest pic do well, taken a few days to a week ago sr has a habit of living like a month someone with shit or no visable rooting lol so cuttings untill the basically are rootbound i never get fooled anymore ahah lost a lot of "plants" transplanting what i thought was a good cutting only to have the thing die and look in pot - never really rooted smdh - lol ,


plu-blurple (blue red green i think yellow even and fs white diodes intermixed - great if im tripping on lsd bad if im looking at trichs ect lol:
old setup t12 32/22w 4 FT FLORESCENT FLOWER POWER UV SETUP (Solacure usa- amazing dude runs it also got a busted one gave me a free bulb for all the bs so bet- btw eta of 1200HS avg 1-2hrs a day i did 4, noticed better potency but 40-60% yeild reduction (run 2 hours till LATE flower and size has stopped a lot more and then as its finsihing blast it - IF yeild is so little its like under an oz like on some found this "resotres it tho nothing beats 4+ hours right at 12/12 flip and till end, plant is gunna be super small think sr does well since she doenst really strech so i overvegg TF out of her to compesnate oh ah the
2x "2000w" 275w (gathering dust as i am considering using them WITH cmh in winter but would prob need co2 then - tho idk sr-71 stress tests :B ! oooh now i may)

THIS IS FULL METAL HALIDE - idk how many weeks started but a solid few finsishing with same setup , and shit only 1- X315w on this and i still pulled every stem off looking like massive thai stalks almost- full cmh harvesst it was bud top to bottom, lol amazing so far on first full cmh seed to harvest grow getting like i said danker and more resinous buds while size doesn't matter , she can still do that too depending on strain eg koko#1 PUTS out the best ironically despite GG daddy: (sr momma so relevent still :D )

sorry having some pic problems - trying to upload them again

plu-blurple (blue red green i think yellow even and fs white diodes intermixed - great if im tripping on lsd bad if im looking at trichs ect lol:
old setup t12 32/22w 4 FT FLORESCENT FLOWER POWER UV SETUP (Solacure usa- amazing dude runs it also got a busted one gave me a free bulb for all the bs so bet- btw eta of 1200HS avg 1-2hrs a day i did 4, noticed better potency but 40-60% yeild reduction (run 2 hours till LATE flower and size has stopped a lot more and then as its finsihing blast it - IF yeild is so little its like under an oz like on some found this "resotres it tho nothing beats 4+ hours right at 12/12 flip and till end, plant is gunna be super small think sr does well since she doenst really strech so i overvegg TF out of her to compesnate oh ah the
2x "2000w" 275w (gathering dust as i am considering using them WITH cmh in winter but would prob need co2 then - tho idk sr-71 stress tests :B ! oooh now i may)



first run of cuttings of SR under a 315w CMH/CDM HID fixture - 6/6 HEAVY ROOTING 5/6 very healthy veg- one looks like it may die but this girl you don't count out untill her last leaf set goes esp cuttings , she taught me how lmao and i never have come close to 90-100 percent runs with any other cut gg, was the second best and it was 25-50% at best, sr just clones so damn well and recovers so well, could easily make like 100s if i had the space muhahahah, and pissed about like laws and shit, would like to have a give away of sr cuttings or something but oh fuck me tho, i mean even if it was federally legal i still don't trust the feds lol, - she does so damn well under cmh - testing flower, if clones don't all do well can just reverse her easy, and or "super cropping"- didn't know its a super dank TECH, i just took the first run of "clones"/cuttings from a FLOWERING SR, so supercropped it , and that did SOMETHING to make it danker, did it 2-3x actually as i noticed while rate of survival is lower cuttings grew like HYDROPONIC speed in coco coir lol, sheeeeet 4-5week finished flowering, that is FASTER than a lot of autos, while being like the size of FOUR of them lmao , this cut didn't get "legendary" for no reason , tons of history in this the mazar afghani they worked skunk#1 into, personally im a fan gives it a more wild taste and headroom imo - , plus the boarder kush that is the "magic" that "hindu kush" cut is in og, bubba, master kush and a LOT of other TOP cultivars, and i ONE DAY will f2 dive for it lol, idk why maybe the Hierlooming of it , or the paki grow techs with afghan plant, something happened and they made some next level , according to the limited info from Howard marks - god rest their soul , lmao , i really want to raise "awareness" of this cut, and how useful it is even FEM pollen and or as a female plant - idk how well it works with MALE x SR, but eh if a random fem chuck is stable as bricks a F1 male X sr would be a true F2- lol or F1 X heirloom, so F1 poly, but if i know sr it will either be single pheno or 1-3 tops , and usually just size varation no difference in smoke and thats what i really count tbh lol -shes doing good for about a week and a half blasted with 3/4 hrs a day of uv and full metal halides
SR-71 ultraviolet Cut - IBl'd and hierloomed over years now , 8 week veg , first test of 315w cmh+ new RspecFr board the results are very good , and can see the IR is giving it some actual stretch (something it usually is very low at) - only about 20ish days in , usually able to pull in 6, and 8 for more flavor/sedation -she makes like small prebuds then EXPLODES to the end , will update with more pics but here is some of one run:

also testing a 12/12 koko#1 and some 2week cuttings to see if IR can make Bigger plants faster in the veg-preflowers early flowering phase (using that growth spurt tons of light and IR to get small plants up to size and doing this lets me run much faster than normal as the "prehistoric speed early veg" been working to get around that as most plants STRECH 2 even 3 or more times in size - have gotten her to double now and with and LED as well perfect node strech so far *imo* :

using a
possibly new- tech- combinding the best of a sog+ stadium runs+ perpetually flowering

so starting under the cmh allows for largest stretch (for sr it works really well as it reduces veg time and thickens the shit out of stems - this is a great test strain as she will eat anything and i mean ANYTHING (my dumbass fed pure liquid nutes in soil and she lost a few leaves - would have killed most plants) - but yeah nutes can cause bigger better buds ofc , but the light is the determining factor in size ie the amount of far red -

so starting it under cmh and uv at the farthest end of stadium, -

the small is and or newest go in the direct middle as it is a balance of led with less fr/ir - and more uv -

if it overshoots or is a strain already prone to stretch id reverse the stadium and start them under the UV -

IR makes everything taller UV shorter - to a lesser extent blues and reds ,

why i had to find a specific board that was low on blue but had good orange red and far red/ir as well - perfect balance between none and the intense HID 3000k FAR red enhanced bulb -

doing this has allowed for 2-3x larger plants and it can maximize growth (the further from the UV the bigger some buds and stems get) and the way the lights and plants are layered - they can get as big as the stems support ideally and for potency the uv from this t-12 plus the 5%ish of cmh is uv-b (they SAY) -

too much uv and size goes down both plant and buds - i find it is good for sativa taller plant management , and this method allows any mix of strains tall and short to be grown perpetually saving my ass time and money lol, and can introduce plants as needed- very handy , and lets each plant reach its "full potential" ie start cmh, use led for budding and more uv less cmh side for finsihing and or too much stretch - working them around with one side increasing size and the other shrinking it makes for some oddd looking ladies eg they always have one MEGA side cola - but i notice the weight lost on one side shows up on the other - the potency is much more on the uv side so trade off bio-mass for more effect - second hands down (just double up the run for that cut then lol) rather have less better bud any day off a plant if it is some legendary gas, -

she is doing the "instant" finish - at those pics youd say its like 1/3-1/2 way yeah - eh she has 2-3 weeks tops and usually 6-7 weeks , -all the white hairs change over a few days and then she stinks of grape and kushy tones out of nowhere while increasing in size steadily -

out of all the dutch bs ive run it is by far the best progeny and will compare it to the various katsu cuts i have and plan to get - completely impartial- fully expecting a lot of strains to bang harder lol ,

but for me she was the best cloner , smoke taste (if cured right she is a biiiitch about that) - , potency for sure , and while slowest vegging fastest flowering and i prefer the faster flowering - IF it doesn't fuck with potency and or yeild i tried stuff like autos ew, and "fast flower" which is like the worst parts of an auto and a phyto and like dookie crop for like what like 2. 2 weeks less flower? damn just like get automated drips and like disctract yourself - or find some sr lol ,

she checks all the boxes but a few

-very poor germ needs lots of care

-slow rooting esp without proper rooting nutes

-slow vegetation (mitigated through cuttings - each time they will grow faster and faster - i always keep a mom 1-2 gens behind and check for any vigour loss i did 2 years of clones and revegging ect and like only in the harshest part of the year (when all the gorilla glue and and my progeny died) - she showed SOME. vigour loss

BX - between two fem ,

this SR-71 PK BX , two of them now are seed and the rest are clones - notice clippings flower MUCH. MUCH. faster than the seed- BUT stems are way smaller as is size ect - i usually ran clone and this is really the second seed run so wanted to note the differences she is a very interesting girl if you are able to work her in - "the standard" for potency and yeild for me lol i know it will meet the "minimum" or more for that every time - as long as it is not fucked up lol-

plan to cross it to increase rooting vigour in germ and veg - if it can germ and veg much better it is the perfect girl in flower (FOR me) -

just like rather a super long veg than flower if its the same potency and amount - less change of pm bud rot ect - and just less weeks of running much more power in lighting ect it litterally pays off (veg done right while longer hours - less power with leds esp-) -

will try to keep updating with more pics and info - can save a lot of time and dead and fuuuucked up laides , tho tbh as long as you feed her something in the ballpark of her stage even and good quality light she will always ball i have found and under the RSPEC _ will try to update on this run of clone Vs seed - finish times vs biomass / potency ect - i never was really able to try that untill now so happy to get some real world data in here along with

PROPER GENETICS isnt realllly wrong just lists it as standard pk - it is a different rework and the "hindu kush" - boarder hash=kush - the og kush making cut - it basically is the female and then they used some wild MAZAR worked from bc to Oakland
and i belive BACK over a decade or more
trail ends at the sr-71 dispensery where it got its name - then there is the

TRICHOME TECH "Ultraviolet cut" -

i guessed it was *probably* reworked LAVANDER PK CUT -

ik its an auto - but that is pretty damn similar looking to some aspects

i really felt and feel there was something other than just "kush in it" mazar had skunk #1 worked into it and i could pick up on it enough since i hone in on skunk/gas smells

i mention all this as while i am going to say it is MAZAR X BOARDER KUSH - it is POSSIBLE this "ultraviolet" is mixed with lavander -

what i have gathered is the Trichome tech- ultraviolet cut = sr 71pk , or at least sr-71pk started out as ultraviolet (2005 hightimes mag?)

i mean if the info is out the i want to find it i really hate not using the right genetics in a strain if i can help it ie lableling this correctly - will say reversing the boarder kush and mazar - does make it bang quite hard est 24-25%+ as sticky as the GG4 cut or stickier with good low rh and temps-

she likes the temps and RH LOW - so she can root (heat pad can make or break her when transplanting seedlings or cuttings as well -

she is more than worth always preserving in pure form - but ideally would like to cross her and F2 an 80-90% enhanced version - , like the best of it but with the problems fixed ideally , new to trying to breed breed, before it was just getting free seed and keeping it stable in fem dust -
will be using this girl with a lot of mixes as shit the fem F1s (2 at least) with her in them were amazing - and are for one still running it for sure and if i have BX of it will add it to the other koko strain post

want to be concise so sorry if i add a lot of info -rather someone learn something at least and i try to put up lots of pics so its like a good read at least haha.

10ish days

30ish days

30+ days.

<3 this girl she needs to be PRESERVED!!!!

UPDATE as of a week or so ago it has been 6weeks flower and an even 8week veg in a 3gal (normally use 5's but can fit WAY more plants in 3's over all better and more strains lol) -

first 3-4 weeks was pure ceramic (2 x 315w hoods)

switched to 260wRSPECFR- (will do an experiment i feel it COULD cover at least a 3x3 FOR sure and a smaller grow in a 4x4 (3x4ish space) -

RspecFr qboards _ T12 UV _ 315w CMH (3000k high red/IR) - very HIGH far reds hitting - 730nm -780nm up to 800nm with the ceramic -

found PROS of far red -

FASTER FLOWERING TIMES (up to 2 weeks) -

INCREASED BIOMASSS - self explanitory why more RED AND IR would make more flower -

BETTER TERPS and falvinoids?- terpenes DO NOT DICTATE SMELL PROFILE whatever does tho likes UV+IR a LOT -

was trying to do an experiment, i love ceramics and the 3kIR spectrum especially (vegging you think its shittty TRY IT WITH THIS SR_ she EXPLODES lol, heavy bushy indicas with pruning and lolipoping (*really am doing that more now with heavier runs for space) -
full cycle did great for clippings -

THIS girl is a BX and grown FULLY under Ceramics and then LED+HID COMBO -

pros of that were - FULLer far reds , oranges , found stretch managed better still did it but not into bulbs - light burn and hotspots also were not a problem at ALL - 2 315 w would always burn the damn far left plant to shit for some reason - so it is a nice even light using the Ceramic as more of a Supplamentary-auxillary light it bangs 315w of good light nothing to sneeze at , but the extra led - found that it makes well better bud

ENTRY LEDS BS SPECTRUMS - meh -gas after years maybe of the right genetics

HID - HOT, very fucking hot - not for the faint of heart - IT IS more of a fire risk not that leds are not but lets be real those bulbs and like the halide and other gases HG ect lol EHHHHH - , will end up using in winter and phasing out in summer (if bud is as good or even better will just use FR leds -

GAS - good "Standard" - LOW BIOMASS compared to led, lower thc , higher terps

LED (high end - QBOARDS/ H diodes - good binning - newer higher power IR diodes -) + HID

MOST FIRE STUFF BY FAR - better healthier looking ladies imo -

BEST BIOMASS+ TERPENES /TASTE + OVERALL POTENCY so far of any flower - she usually was less potent than the new hybrids but

SR-71 under this lighting , 3gal COCO COIR (GROWN LIKE TRICOME TECH) - the pistils changed OVERNIGHT on pull so its NOT early lol 6 weeks on the damn day she is READY (TRICH CHECK) -


she really hulked out even in the tiny lil 3 GAL - the SEED is MUCH SLOWER than the clone without a change in overall biomass onlytime -

good to have mom but the cuttings have just for some reason way more vigor eg the ones in the pic you see are like 2 weeks in and have flowers and look like 1/3-1/2 way nearly lol this girl dragggged and only made bud in the last few weeks

THE rspec really made strecth managed perfectly - moving newer plants from cmh (first part of flower it is better for thicker stems larger overall plant -

rspec+uv finshing - last weeks of flower - keeps the biomass of flower HIGHER , plant stretch is stopped vertically and blue is PERFECT for keeping it large but not too large -

can run pretty close 18" or i would say it could go to 12" even and get a good PPFD , - it has great coverage and this run was the least BS as far as plant health - can't remember one nute burn or diseased leaf or other BS -

REALLY LOVE the LED+HID+T12 UV for a "BUDGET flower" - really getting GREAT RESULTS - just the first girl done here as a Test - tell me if they look good , not the BIGGEST plants and buds but for -no training (other than a bit of lst stuff) - they can grow really well as clones -

2-3 week veg and 2ish weeks into flower in the pic of plants - the koko (left middle) ALWAYS burned under a CMH - she really really likes the LED qboards tho as you can see lol

overall DEFF use cuttings and keep a mom , running from seed is - UNPREDICTABLE eg flowering times acutal resemblance i got LUCKY sr stayed the same but will say her flowering time SEED - is usually) 8-10 weeks this FR/IR got it down to a VERY respectable 6 (7 if i really wnated a more sedating high but i pull Sr at 15-20% amber or she becomes NARCOTIC - which is great for like bed killing time but i find its VERY functional and a bit psychadellic in higher doses even at that terp level - , the cuttings are just exploding , and so i can say she is a good producure - clones took 1 week to root and make new flower 2-3 and fully vegging nearly 1ft wide and tall, so this plant is a LEGANDARY strain for sure - sr-71 stands alone, tho plant to "enhance and mix her" - can keep this going as i feel not MUCH info on trichome tech OR SR_71 PK eg its ACUTAL genetics i took a guess , to what i taste smell how it grows and any "internet info" / lore - and well i posted most recent idea of it
she deff is my goto girl and never disappoints , one other note - her flower will RAPIDLY shrink in drying DO NOT be fooled give at MIN 5 days to a week drying - REXAPANSION is a HUGE problem for her , at least with the older leds growing it and in the high ass RH fall , she is really easy to get PM - without uv FOR SURE, this bud seems MUCH more resistant - key word here (NOT PROOF) - so like lost a stash of other kush already to FUCKIN PM ( realized if i dry at low ass rh - and don't give it at least a week or two then re-exansion and nasty stuff gets it :/ some strains this is not as much of a factor on , and also UV makes more resitant buds eg last year LOST ALL BUD at one point in multi jars places RH is like mid 90s everyday xD its fucked, but made stringent storage methods a thing and now i follow them and THIS year with UV and cmh - the bud is MUCH more resistant IE the hex, and koko F1's BOTH resisted the mildews ect with a PROPER drying - 0 rexpansion problems

so just a heads up if you live in like florida or other HIGH RH zones - drying and curing is really the most important part i FUCKING HATE growing straight FLAME ass bud to LOSE it all a week or two later its like a slap in the face and its my hand- as PROPER drying and CURING (keeping rh ALWAYS BELOW 60 - or 50) and a scrubber or two for spores in the fresh air - i have for the first year "surivived - the hell which is winter/late fall half of the year - has always been my BANE of growing existence - happy to have mastered HIGH RH - growing, drying and curing now it is GOOD to know loosing good bud , god :/ ,

speaking of after eh 38hrs did sample - lil shitty lawny smelling but fuck it SMOKED and HIT - pretty impressive and very very powerful - would say best strain in potency AND biomass - compared to all the other cuts , am going to run it head to head with the AK and others , she LIKES UV , IR and LOTS OF LIGHT - have NEVER lightburned SR and i ran hid hoods 4" from fuckin canopy and one point to test this , SHE LOVES. LIGHT- and NO co2 can take WELLL over 1k-1.3k PPFD NO problems - she just eats a BIT more ,

she is a BRUISER and fuck has to be my favorite strain - SR71PK "INFARED CUT" <3