I'm too old for this new fangled cockamammy businessLots of helpful info for you to read LOL. You are going to be my go to place for clean genetics once you get it all figured out.
I really like the idea, I hear it can make old clones more vigorous too. It is just way over my head.
Here's a place for used equipment in Europe - not helpful for me but possibly those of you across the pond could use this...
I just want to say how impressed I am by your determination and resilience. Tackling something technical as you know can be incredibly challenging, and the fact that you're not giving up speaks volumes about your character and perseverance.My first batch of Tissue Culture was unsuccessful. The amount of time it took me to make the medium is somewhat daunting and has slowed down my progress. I decided to go with some training wheels and try the Athena premixed medium to save some time and to reduce newbie errors. I should have something new to post in a few days.